We do offer Management packages, customized to the owners wishes, for private and commercial / charter Superyachts.
A dedicated Yacht Manager will be the single point of contact for the client and the onboard crew.
We are happy to work with all software solutions the yacht or client wishes, we do not use an in-house mandatory software solution, which will bind the client to us.
Our Superyacht management solution is tailored to minimize the work for the onboard crew, simple to understand and fulfils all requirements.
With our management system we make sure that your Superyacht is operated safe, secure, and very cost efficient and it keeps its value.
A part of the Management package is as well to support in finding the best deals for spare part supply, maintenance offers and needed repairs.
A1 will take away the hassle from Superyacht owners and deal with the day to day issues, as we are all professionals with seagoing experience, we understand the crew needs and issues and can solve it before it becomes a problem.
Our clients shall have an undisturbed Superyacht life experience
Accounting, overview of planned maintenance, Flagstate and Classification communication, Registration & VAT, Insurance and ISM / ISPS are packages we offer to all our clients.